Hair Rejuvenation
Don’t let hair loss get you down! Your own self-derived blood growth factors can halt the hair loss process and rejuvenate those hair follicles, waking them up to start growing hair again. When we add exosomes to the process, you won’t believe the results that can be achieved with 3 treatments over 3 months. Contact me today to talk about the Hair Rejuvenation package.
Package of (3) visits, scheduled 4-6 weeks apart

Contact Us
We would love to hear from you.
Feel free to reach out to us or if you’re ready to schedule a consultation, click schedule now below.
- Address: 27999 Old Walker S, Suite H Walker, LA 70785
- Hours: MTF: 9-5, WTH: 11-8
- Phone: 225-999-5901
- Email: